Specialized Supports

CLA offers services to people with a developmental disability and co-existing mental health concerns and/or challenging behaviors that may affect their quality of life. We consult with clinical services both face-to-face, as well as using video conferencing where necessary. These consultations help us to provide training, education and options to increase the likelihood of positive outcomes for the people we support, their families, and their staff.  Supports are directed by the person receiving the support.

This service provides time-limited support for people who may be experiencing difficulty in their current situation.  The service we provide uses a biopsychosocial, humanistic, person centered approach to walk alongside people who are experiencing an unexpected emergency situation requiring an immediate response.  Our role is to assist in reducing the stressors that people are experiencing as much as possible, and assist them with adaptive skills to get back to living the life they want to live.  Our focus is on a holistic approach and can involve the collaboration with other community partners where necessary.   This short term support is to address the emergency situation the person has found themselves in. 

Other services can include: coping strategies, referrals to community resources, communication supports or behavior support plan development.

If not currently involved with CLA, referrals for support can be made through Developmental Services Ontario at 1-855-376-6673.

Contact: Amanda LaChapelle
Associate Director of Services and Supports
Community Living Algoma
705-253-1700 ext. 2506


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