Committee Recruitment

Join a Community Living Algoma Committee

At Community Living Algoma, we believe in the power of community-driven change. Our committees play a pivotal role in steering the direction of our organization, shaping policies, and ensuring that the individuals we support thrive in inclusive environments.

Why Volunteer on a Committee with Us?

1. Impactful Contributions:
Be at the forefront of positive change. Our committees actively contribute to decision-making processes, ensuring that our services and support align with the diverse needs of our community.

2. Diverse Opportunities:
Choose a committee that resonates with your expertise and passion. From Finance to Quality Enhancement, each committee focuses on specific aspects crucial to our mission.

3. Professional Growth:
Expand your skills and knowledge in a supportive environment. Committee membership offers opportunities for professional development, making it an enriching experience for career growth.

4. Inclusive Community Building:
Join a community that values diversity and inclusion. Committees at Community Living Algoma are spaces where different perspectives come together to create a welcoming and supportive environment.

5. Purposeful Engagement:
Your commitment to a committee directly contributes to the realization of our mission and vision. It's not just about attending meetings; it's about actively shaping the journey toward a more inclusive Algoma.

Current Committee Opportunities:

- Finance Committee
- Education Committee
- Human Resources and French Language Services Committee
- Quality Enhancement Committee

How to Join:

Ready to make a meaningful impact? Express your interest by filling out our Committee Volunteer Application Form. We welcome dedicated individuals who are passionate about making a difference.

'Click' to Complete Form

Feel free to contact Nicole Clark, Executive Assistant, (705)253-1700 ext. 3000, for more information or if you have any questions about our committees.

Join us on the journey of inclusion, where every voice matters, and together, we shape a brighter future for all.



About Community Living Algoma Committees

Education Committee

This committee promotes CLA’s goal that “individuals go with their neighbourhood friends to their neighbourhood schools.” The committee ensures inclusive and relevant educational opportunities are available for students with intellectual disabilities throughout Algoma. The Education Committee has representation from the board, various educational institutions, parents, teachers, and other community members from across the district. 

Finance Committee

CLA’s Finance Committee guides financial matters of the organization and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors. With representation from the board and community volunteers, this committee also has a sub-committee (Fund-raising Team) that steers fund-raising for the Association. Fund-raising activities are essential in order to protect services and supports that are not covered through government funding.

Human Resources & French Language Services Committee

Board members and community volunteers who are interested in the Human Resource field make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding labour relations and other employment matters. CLA is designated, by the government, as a partial bilingual service provider. This committee ensures that on-going, bilingual Human Resource needs are being identified and met.

Quality Enhancement Committee

The Quality Enhancement Committee has the task of ensuring that services and supports offered by CLA are in keeping with the Vision, goals and priorities of the Association. Program specific goals and objectives are also measured against these criteria. The Committee is also charged with monitoring the impact of reduced government funding for services and supports.

Annually, this Committee conducts “Outcome Based Performance Measures” on the supports and services provided by CLA. The assessment tool measures the outcomes for people supported, based on what they want from services and supports. Emphasis is on the responsiveness to individual needs and choices. This evaluative process includes the creation of Committees to conduct the review and make recommendations for consideration by the Board of Directors. 


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